I Raise My Ebenezer Part 1

It’s Thanksgiving week and the Pastor at our church preached a sermon last week from Samuel 7:12

Source: https://wellspringchristianministries.org/1-samuel-712/

The prophet Samuel raised a stone as a memorial in a town called Ebenezer and named the stone after the town. The name itself means: “stone of help”.

Hence the stone was a memorial to remember how God had helped the people of Israel to defeat their enemies.

In today’s society not many people set up stones or monuments to remember events in history. In fact a great many people protest and make a stink wanting the memorials that are in place to be removed. They claim these memorials are offensive to them. They don’t want to remember or honor history they want to change it to fit their beliefs and their wishes.

I digress. As I was saying people don’t use stones today to remember things or people unless those people are dead instead they use flowers or jewelry or even tattoos as memorials. Though the Bible is against using tattoos as memorials:

I won’t condemn a person if they already have tattoos but I would discourage anyone who doesn’t have them and is thinking about getting them. Not only is the Bible against it but when you are old and your body is wrinkled and sagging, the tattoos look deformed and ugly.

Again I’m off topic 😔 Sorry! This is about raising my Ebenezer. My memorial in Thanksgiving to God for all he has done in my life.

No place like the beginning of life to say thank you. Thank you Lord for giving me life. My mother smoke and drank and did drugs while pregnant with me but she had a supernatural encounter during that time that she never told anyone about. Whatever she saw or heard it caused her to do a 180° flip in the opposite direction. No drugs, no smoking, no alcohol. Not even prenatal vitamins. I could of been born with so many birth defects if she hadn’t of quit doing all that stuff. I’m grateful for that supernatural encounter my mother had and I’m grateful for being born without defect.

(Though, that didn’t last long…🙄— I received many scars and many bruises along the way but I am grateful/thankful for those scars. I am thankful for the scar on my hand that helped me learn to tell my right from my left. I am grateful for the black eye I got when I was three because if it hadn’t of been for that defect I would have been a very vain child. I went through life thinking I was ugly instead of beautiful. It caused me to be very humble. I am grateful for the scars on my stomach reminding me of the miracle God had done. More on that in a minute.

Source: http://decarlonews.blogspot.com/2011/09/stitch-removal-slight-gross-out-warning.

I am grateful that my mother gave me up and had me placed in a foster home because if I had been raised by her I’m told she’d forget me in the store and walk off without me, or forget to feed me and if I had been raised by my biological father I’d have been a wreck, he would have me believing I was an alien hatched from a pod and I’d have been tormented relentlessly by the other children for his choice of clothing for me or the style of hair he would have chosen for me. (Not that I wasn’t tormented by kids in school anyway but it would have been worse growing up in his care and then he might have even raped me! (Not that I wasn’t raped when I was older. I’m still not certain which is worse being raped by my biological father or by the next door neighbor? For the longest time I questioned God about this. I was like geez if I was going to get raped anyway then why didn’t you just leave me with my Dad? Nevertheless I am grateful I wasn’t left in his care. So yeah I’m grateful I was raised by a single set of Foster Parents and not bounced around from home to home in the foster care system. I am grateful that when I was four years old I had a dream where Archangel Michael fought the devil for me and that I remembered that dream in spite of being so young.

From that age onward I began speaking to people about God. I am grateful to have known my biological grandmother who took me to church with her every weekend. I am grateful for the little girl who came to visit my family when I was 7 or 8 years old. She had a seizure and when I placed my hands on her she stopped having a seizure. It was the first time I became aware of the healing gifts through the laying on of hands. I am grateful for the prophetic dreams that started when I was 14 years old. Dreams that guided me throughout my life.

When I was in my 20’s just after my first born child came along, I developed gall stones and I am thankful for the miracle that God did at that time. The pain was so bad that I was rushed to the emergency room. I can’t take pills so the doctor on call gave my first husband Tylenol with coedine and told him to crush it up and put it in some applesauce to give me when we got home. I knew I just couldn’t take that stuff. My mother had an addiction to codeine. I didn’t want to be like her. My first husband set the bowl of applesauce laced with coedine beside the bed. I screamed out to Jesus to take away the pain. In an instant the pain was gone! (Faster than you can snap your fingers) To me it was a miracle. I never had that pain again. My life was spared. I could of died. They still removed my gall bladder though and I’m thankful for the scars that remind me of how God took the pain away without medication.

About 5 years later I was pregnant again, the most blessed pregnancy of them all. No morning sickness no uncomfortableness. No pain. She was born on Palm Sunday… 3 hours labor in all. The first 2 hours I puttered around the house making sure everything was ready and that our son was safely settled in for a night at Grandma’s house. In the hospital room my first husband and I read to each other the book of Luke and then sang “Hosanna” Our daughter came so fast the doctor didnt even have time to catch her. She landed on the bed and twisted her ankle. Blood everywhere! As I said there was no pain. That day was a miraculous day! I am thankful for that blessed pregnancy after a miscarriage between the two children and I am thankful for my first born daughter.

About nine months after she was born, around Christmas time. I was praying in the living room. It had become a habit for me to rise early in the morning to study the Bible and pray. Our daughter awoke screaming and crying. I assumed from a nightmare. I picked her up from her crib and took her back into the living room, where she looked over at the outer door where I had painted a cross and she said, “Oh Jesus, oh Jesus!” and then snuggled into me and went right back to sleep. It was as though she had really seen HIM standing there! I am thankful for her acknowledgment of Jesus at just nine months old! (I was told years later that the child is an interdimensional being )

Source: https://omtimes.com/2014/05/interdimensional-being/

When my son was 4 years old, he needed glasses. One day he lost them in the yard. I frankly searched the yard but couldn’t find them. My first husband mowed the lawn and I had given them up as lost or worse run over by the lawn mower but then one day they mysteriously appeared on the front porch perfectly in tact. The neighbor girl said she saw a woman put them there and then the woman disappeared! Could have been an angel? Thank you Lord for those mysterious helpers that help us find lost things.

I and a group of others at our church laid hands on a girl teenage girl with Cancer and I witnessed that young girl get cured from cancer. Thank you Lord for the times you cure cancer and thank you for giving your people the gift of healing.

After seeing this girl cured of cancer, I began praying over my son for his eyesight to be returned to 20/20. Each time we returned to the doctor his vision had improved till one day he no longer needed the glasses. It is now 30 years later and my son still has 20/20 perfect vision! Thank you Lord for giving sight to the blind!

Once, we took in a homeless woman and her dog and to this day I think I was entertaining an angel because after she left I received a mysterious package in the mail a few years after that. The sender was “Angels, Angels, Angels”. Inside the package was a sky blue dress. The most expensive looking dress I’d ever owned. I looked at the size and my face grew crestfallen because it would not fit me. Nevertheless I tried it on and was astonished to discover that the sender had altered the dress to fit me! The note inside the package said to pass on the kindness. You know like how people” pay it forward.” It was my favorite dress till my second husband stole it from me.

Recently (like last week I had a dream about a Thanksgiving dress.) It’s a dress I’m currently working on altering. Now I’m beginning to wonder who I’m supposed to send it to with the label “Angels, Angels, Angels” and a note to remind them to pay it forward. Could it be you, dear reader?

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers. Coming up next on Wildindigoprisms blogpage I Raise my Ebenezer Part 2.


To be continued……

Published by wildindigoprisms

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